Fluency Build Up

A phonics activity that builds fluency from words to sentences to a story.

November can be a tough time for students - the honeymoon phase of the beginning of school has worn off just slightly and school is in full swing! This is a great time to practice fluency with the phonics skills you and your class have been working on since the very beginning of the year. That’s why our November freebies are all about FLUENCY!

Struggling with fluency is a normal process in a student’s reading journey. Students need to process a lot in order to master it and become proficient readers. This Fluency Build-Up activity helps them reach that end goal!

Why We Love It

We love this activity because it’s explicit and easy to understand. It encourages students to read words in isolation, again in sentences, again once more in a story and then follows it up with comprehension questions. We start with small steps and end up with a big win! Because, as we all know, fluency leads to comprehension!

How to Use

  • Students will first read words in isolation, going through the grid and pointing to each word as they read it.

  • Then, students will read the same words within context by reading sentences.

  • After, students will then go on to read the story.

  • Finally, students will check their comprehension skills with three short questions at the end.

This activity is easy to prep because you just print and go -just one more perk to this fluency practice page!

Grab your free game below!

Build fluency and strong phonics skills with this fun fluency build up activity!

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